Right click on dating.zip extract and import xml file demo data
Click on browse, select XML file and click on Upload file and import.
You will be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on your website. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on your website or to create a new user.
You will then have the choice to import attachments, so click on the "Download and import file attachments" box.
Please be patient while WordPress imports all the content. Posts, Pages, Products, and Menus are imported. You will need assign the menu a theme location & you’ll need to configure widgets. This is a limitation of WordPress import system.
Under Heading "Slider Font Typography & Colors" manage slide title, description, button font-family, color, and font-size.
When you add new slide instead of default so first removed all three slides field data Slide Image, Slide Title, Slide Link, Slide Button than add your new slides data.
First Create Page For Each Sections. Eg: For "Home Section One" Add Page "Home Welcome Section" and for "Home Section Two" Add Page "Home Services Section"...
So for add new Page under admin pannel click on "Pages" in top left navigation. than click on "Add New".
After add pages back on customizer pannel and choose page for section.
Check Below Steps:
WordPress Admin Appearance -> Customize -> FRONT PAGE -> HOME SECTIONS
Below is the screen of Welcome To Dating Theme "Edit Page"
Below is the code of all home sections. Just Copy and Paste it in newly created page.
Home Section 1 Code:
[centertitle text="Find Your Match" titlecolor="#3c3c3c" separatorcolor="#b2b2b2" heartcolor="#e52d27"]
[horizontal_form color="#ffffff" bgcolor="#60ccfe"][bps_display form=29][/horizontal_form]
[centertitle text="How it works" titlecolor="#3c3c3c" separatorcolor="#b2b2b2" heartcolor="#e52d27"]
[space height="40"]
[featured-boxes columns="4"]
[featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"]
[featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"]
[featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"]
[featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"]
[space height="40"]
Mauris nec interdum ipsum. Proin gravida nisi non magna lacinia, tristique turpis venenatis. Mauris venenatis nulla turpis amet sodales eros consequat nec. Donec scelerisque nunc in urna imperdiet, quis congue nicondimentum. Morbi gravida ligula sit amet odio luctus tincidunt. Maecenas dictum risus tempor arcu porta, in viverra porta.
Donec scelerisque nunc in urna imperdiet, quis congue nicondimentum. Morbi gravida ligula samet odio luctus tincidunt. Maecenas dictum risus tempor arcu porta, in viverra porta.
Below steps will guide you how to set up header or top navigation.
Kindly go to Appearance -> Menu -> Before moving on you have to create primary menu first and set theme location to primary menu please see the below screenshot
Site Background Color
Site Background Image
Site content Text Color
Other Elements Background
Other Elements Text Color
Default Anchor Color
Default Anchor Hover Color
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 Color
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 Hover Color
Team Box Background Color
Social Icon Bgcolor
Social Icon Hover Bgcolor
Testimonial Box Bgcolor
Testimonial Pager Color
Testimonial Active Pager Color
Gallery Active Filter Bgcolor
Skills Bar Background Color
Skills Bar Text Color
Post Title Color
Sidebar Widgets Background Color
Sidebar Widget Title Color
Sidebar Widget Text Color
Sidebar Widget Link Color
Managed Following Under Font Typography:
Site Content Font [family, subsets, size]
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 [family, subsets, size]
Turn All Headings to Uppercase
First on custom field option from page & posts edit screen. if it is not on.
Add embeded map, shortcode Or any video code in header instead of feauted image page & post header. create custom field with name "headercode" and put code in custom box.
If page have not assign featured image. so from page header settings have set background color or background image for header. also there is have hide page header option for hide header.
All you need to do is go to that page after Log into WordPress dashboard. Scroll down and check the section: Discussion (if not able to see check above Screen Options to show Comments).
Uncheck the box: Allow Comments and click on Update.
If you want to remove comments sidewide on Pages use this plugin: “Disable Comments” https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-comments/
col="4" means four columns in a single row and show="3" means number of team member show.
[ourteam col="4" show="4" excerptlength="25"]
[testimonials-box col="3" show="3"]
[ourteam col="2" show="2" excerptlength="25"]
[ourteam col="1" show="1" excerptlength="25"]
Featured Boxes:
[featured-boxes columns="4"] [featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][/featured-boxes]
[featured-boxes columns="3"] [featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][/featured-boxes]
[featured-boxes columns="2"] [featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][/featured-boxes]
[featured-boxes columns="1"] [featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][/featured-boxes]
[featured-boxes columns="4"] [featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][/featured-boxes]
[featured-boxes columns="3"] [featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][/featured-boxes]
[featured-boxes columns="2"] [featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][/featured-boxes]
[featured-boxes columns="1"] [featured-box icon="pencil-square-o" title="REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="user-circle-o" title="ADD INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="users" title="ANALYZE THE LIST OF PEOPLE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][featured-box icon="heart" title="FIND YOUR LOVE" link="#" textcolor="#222222" bordercolor="#E52C27"][/featured-boxes]
Photo Gallery:
[photogallery filter="true"]
Show Without Filters Use Shortcode : [photogallery filter="false"]
Photo Gallery Carousel:
1. To set up a gallery go to Photo Gallery option from you WordPress dashboard
2. Click on Add New option
3. Enter the title of the image. If you want to show Video then add video URL. For image set the featured image.
[posts-style1 show="4" cat="1" excerptlength="24"] "show=4" means display four posts if you want to display 6 or 8 or etc. so just change show=6 or show=8. and "excerptlength=24" set box character length. and "cat=1" ID of display posts category
[posts-style2 show="2" cat="1" excerptlength="24"] "show=2" means display two posts if you want to display 4 or 6 or etc. so just change show=4 or show=6. and "excerptlength=24" set box character length. and "cat=1" ID of display posts category
[posts-style3 show="2" cat="1" excerptlength="24"] "show=2" means display two posts if you want to display 4 or 6 or etc. so just change show=4 or show=6. and "excerptlength=24" set box character length. and "cat=1" ID of display posts category
[posts-style4 show="3" cat="1" excerptlength="24"] "show=3" means display three posts if you want to display 3 or 6 or etc. so just change show=3 or show=6. and "excerptlength=24" set box character length. and "cat=1" ID of display posts category
Horizontal Flip: [flipbox fliptype="h" frontimage="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" fronttitle="The Front Title" frontdescription="Some Lorem Content Description Goes Here" backtitle="The Back Title" backdescription="This is the back description for testing purpose will added some dummy description text. This is the back description for testing purpose will added some dummy description text.This is the back description for testing purpose will added some dummy description text." backurl="#" backbutton="Read More"]
Vertical Flip: [flipbox fliptype="v" frontimage="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" fronttitle="The Front Title" frontdescription="Some Lorem Content Description Goes Here" backtitle="The Back Title" backdescription="This is the back description for testing purpose will added some dummy description text. This is the back description for testing purpose will added some dummy description text.This is the back description for testing purpose will added some dummy description text." backurl="#" backbutton="Read Now"]
[divider style="divider1"]
[divider style="divider2"]
[divider style="divider3"]
[divider style="divider4"]
[divider style="divider5"]
[divider style="divider6"]
[headingdivider text="Heading Title"]
Promotion Box:
[promobox1 bgcolor="#f7f7f7" topbordercolor="#a0ce4e" otherbordercolor="#e8e6e6"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.[/promobox1]
[promobox2 bgcolor="#f7f7f7" leftbordercolor="#a0ce4e" button="Hello Text" url="#"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.[/promobox2]
[promobox3 bgcolor="#f7f7f7" bottombordercolor="#a0ce4e" button="Hello Text" url="#"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.[/promobox3]
[promobox4 bgcolor="#f7f7f7" bordercolor="#a0ce4e"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.[/promobox4]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut commodo congue laoreet. Nullam cursus pretium nulla
[columns size="1/2"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut commodo congue laoreet. Nullam cursus pretium nulla
Three Columns:
[columns size="1/3"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut commodo congue laoreet. Nullam cursus pretium nulla
[columns size="1/3"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut commodo congue laoreet. Nullam cursus pretium nulla
[columns size="1/3"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut commodo congue laoreet. Nullam cursus pretium nulla
For Other columns size like 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 just change size in shortcode for four columns: size="1/4", for five columns: size="1/5", for six columns: size="1/6", for seven columns: size="1/7" , for eight columns: size="1/8", for nine columns: size="1/9", for ten columns: size="1/10"
Columns Padding:
You can also set padding of columns with following shortcodes: