Right click on toystore.zip extract and import xml file demo data
Click on browse, select XML file and click on Upload file and import.
You will be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on your website. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on your website or to create a new user.
You will then have the choice to import attachments, so click on the "Download and import file attachments" box.
Please be patient while WordPress imports all the content. Posts, Pages, Products, and Menus are imported. You will need assign the menu a theme location & you’ll need to configure widgets. This is a limitation of WordPress import system.
Theme New Collection and Popular In Store Shortcode:
[newproduct filter="false" show="4" buttonname="ADD TO CART"]
[newproduct filter="true" show="-1" buttonname="ADD TO CART"]
Shortcode: [client_slider][client image="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" link="#"][client image="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" link="#"][client image="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" link="#"][client image="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" link="#"][client image="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" link="#"][client image="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" link="#"][client image="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" link="#"][client image="ADD YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" link="#"][/client_slider]
Note: Upload images from media library copy that image src and paste in client image place
Latest Blog Section Manage from Appearance->Themes Options-> Section Tab -> Section
latest news post manage from wordpress default post
Click on add new post. give the title, description and set the featurd image from right side.
Shortcode: [latestposts show="2"]
also manage latest posts Excerpt limit from theme options -> basic settings
SERVICES Section Manage from Appearance->Themes Options-> Section Tab -> Section
Shortcode: [area_row]
[services icon="ADD IMAGE URL HERE" title="Free Delivery" description="Covering all 50 US states, we will deliver everything we have in stock completely free of charge!" button="READ MORE" link="#link1"]
[services icon="ADD IMAGE URL HERE" title="Discounts Club" description="Many people shop with us every day, so we’ve decided to create a complimentary discounts club!" button="READ MORE" link="#link2"]
Note: Upload images from media library copy that image src and paste in client image place
Why Choose Us section manage from Appearance->Themes Options-> Section Tab -> Section
Theme Featured Shortcode:
[chooseus title="Special Offers" icon="diamond" color="#474646" link="#" ]shop big save big[/chooseus]
[chooseus title="Free Delivery" icon="shopping-cart" color="#474646" link="#"]on orders above $99[/chooseus]
[chooseus title="30 days return" icon="thumbs-o-up" color="#474646" link="#"]policy we offer[/chooseus]
[chooseus title="fastest shipping" icon="rocket" color="#474646" link="#" class="last"]2 days express[/chooseus]
Note: Use icon of font awesome for theme featured icon.(exa. icon="diamond")
use any icon instead of diamond
All you need to do is go to that page after Log into WordPress dashboard. Scroll down and check the section: Discussion (if not able to see check above Screen Options to show Comments).
Uncheck the box: Allow Comments and click on Update.
If you want to remove comments sidewide on Pages use this plugin: “Disable Comments” https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-comments/
Can manage social icons font size, color and hover color from Appearance -> Theme Options -> Basic Settings tab
Note: Icon name should be in lowercase without space.(exa.facebook) More social icons can be found at: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/
Spectacles - Responsive WordPress Theme
By SKT Themes - www.sktthemes.org
How To Set Social Icons?
[social icon="facebook" link="#"]
[social icon="twitter" link="#"]
[social icon="linkedin" link="#"]
[social icon="google-plus" link="#"]
[social icon="instagram" link="#"]
[social icon="youtube" link="#"]
[social icon="pinterest-p" link="#"]
[social icon="rss" link="#"]